Outdoor Trash Can Holders – The Ultimate Guide

Lot of 5 commercial outdoor trash can holders South Auction
Lot of 5 commercial outdoor trash can holders South Auction from www.southauction.com

Outdoor Trash Can Holders – The Ultimate Guide


Welcome to our ultimate guide on outdoor trash can holders! Keeping your outdoor space clean and organized is essential for a pleasant and inviting environment. One of the key components of maintaining cleanliness is having a reliable and functional trash can holder. In this article, we will explore different types of outdoor trash can holders, their benefits, and provide some useful tips to help you choose the right one for your needs.

Benefits of Outdoor Trash Can Holders

Outdoor trash can holders offer several benefits:

  1. Improved Aesthetics: Trash can holders can enhance the overall appearance of your outdoor space by concealing unsightly trash cans.
  2. Odor Control: These holders help contain unpleasant odors, especially during hot weather, ensuring a more pleasant environment.
  3. Protection from Pests: Trash can holders provide a barrier against pests, such as raccoons or stray animals, preventing them from rummaging through your trash.
  4. Added Security: Some holders come with lockable features, preventing unauthorized access to your trash and keeping your waste secure.

Types of Outdoor Trash Can Holders

1. Wooden Trash Can Holders

Wooden trash can holders are popular for their rustic and natural appearance. They blend well with outdoor surroundings and can be customized to match your outdoor décor. However, they require regular maintenance to prevent rotting or decay.

2. Plastic Trash Can Holders

Plastic trash can holders are lightweight, durable, and resistant to weather conditions. They are easy to clean and require minimal maintenance. However, they may not offer the same aesthetic appeal as wooden holders.

3. Metal Trash Can Holders

Metal trash can holders are sturdy and long-lasting. They provide excellent protection against pests and are relatively low maintenance. However, they can be prone to rust if not properly cared for.

Tips for Choosing the Right Outdoor Trash Can Holder

Consider the following tips when selecting an outdoor trash can holder:

  • Size: Ensure that the holder can accommodate the size of your trash can.
  • Material: Choose a material that suits your preferences and climate conditions.
  • Security: If security is a concern, opt for a holder with lockable features.
  • Easy Access: Select a design that allows for easy access when disposing of trash or changing bags.
  • Price: Set a budget and compare prices to find a holder within your desired range.


Investing in a high-quality outdoor trash can holder is a worthwhile decision for maintaining cleanliness, aesthetics, and protecting your outdoor space from pests. Consider the various types available and follow our tips to choose the perfect holder for your needs. With the right trash can holder, you can enjoy a cleaner and more organized outdoor environment all year round.