How Long Are The Quarters In The Super Bowl?

Super Bowl score by quarters 2015 Patriots vs Seahawks 'Squares Game
Super Bowl score by quarters 2015 Patriots vs Seahawks 'Squares Game from

How Long Are the Quarters in the Super Bowl?


The Super Bowl is the pinnacle event of American football, attracting millions of viewers from around the world. This annual championship game determines the National Football League (NFL) champion for the season. One common question that arises among viewers is how long the quarters last in the Super Bowl. In this article, we will dive into the duration of the quarters in this highly anticipated sporting event.

Understanding the Quarters

The Super Bowl consists of four quarters, each lasting 15 minutes. However, it is important to note that the actual playing time may differ due to various factors, including commercial breaks, timeouts, and halftime show performances. These additional elements contribute to the overall length of the game.

Commercial Breaks and Halftime Show

One significant factor influencing the duration of the Super Bowl is the extensive commercial breaks. Advertisers spend millions of dollars to showcase their products or services during this highly-watched event. These breaks, typically lasting around 30 seconds to a minute, occur between plays and during timeouts. Additionally, the halftime show, featuring renowned musical artists, usually lasts around 12-15 minutes.

Timeouts and Challenges

Teams participating in the Super Bowl are granted a certain number of timeouts to strategize, rest, or make necessary adjustments. These timeouts, called “team timeouts,” last for 60 seconds. Additionally, coaches have the option to challenge specific calls made by the referees. These challenges, known as “coach challenges,” also impact the overall duration of the game.

Factors Affecting the Game Length

While the duration of the quarters is fixed at 15 minutes, the actual length of the Super Bowl can vary due to several factors:

Injuries and Player Timeouts

Injuries are an inherent risk in any sport, and the Super Bowl is no exception. If a player gets injured during the game, the clock is stopped to provide medical assistance and ensure player safety. These player timeouts can extend the overall game length, especially if multiple injuries occur.


In some cases, the Super Bowl may extend beyond the initial four quarters if the scores are tied at the end of regulation time. This scenario leads to an overtime period, where the teams have an opportunity to break the tie and secure victory. Overtime periods can vary in length, depending on the game’s outcome.


The quarters in the Super Bowl last for 15 minutes each, but the actual game length can be influenced by various factors such as commercial breaks, timeouts, challenges, injuries, and overtime periods. As viewers eagerly anticipate this iconic event each year, it is important to keep in mind that the overall duration may differ due to these elements. So, sit back, enjoy the game, and witness the excitement of the Super Bowl!