Does Baking Powder Make Potatoes Crispy?

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The Science Behind Crispy Potatoes

When it comes to making crispy potatoes, there are a few factors at play. One of the most important ones is the starch content of the potatoes. Potatoes with a high starch content, such as russet potatoes, tend to crisp up better than those with a lower starch content, like red potatoes.

Another key factor is the cooking method. Frying or roasting potatoes at a high temperature helps to create that desirable crispy texture. The high heat causes the moisture in the potatoes to evaporate quickly, leaving behind a crispy exterior.

The Role of Baking Powder

Baking powder can indeed contribute to the crispiness of potatoes. It contains both an acid and a base, which react when mixed with moisture and heat. This reaction releases carbon dioxide gas, creating tiny air pockets in the batter or dough. When it comes to potatoes, these air pockets can help to create a lighter and crispier texture.

When baking powder is used in potato recipes, it can enhance the browning process, resulting in a more golden and crispy exterior. It can also help to create a fluffier interior by expanding the air pockets within the potato cells.

How to Use Baking Powder for Crispy Potatoes

If you want to use baking powder to make your potatoes crispy, there are a few different methods you can try:

Coating the Potatoes

One way to use baking powder is by coating the potatoes with a mixture of baking powder, salt, and any other desired seasonings. Simply toss the potatoes in the mixture before roasting or frying them. The baking powder will help to create a crispy and flavorful exterior.

Soaking the Potatoes

Another method is to soak the potatoes in a solution of water and baking powder before cooking them. This can help to draw out excess moisture from the potatoes, resulting in a crispier texture.

Mixing with Batter

If you’re making potato pancakes or latkes, adding a small amount of baking powder to the batter can help to make them crispier. The baking powder will create air pockets in the batter, resulting in a lighter and crunchier final product.


Baking powder can be a useful ingredient when it comes to making crispy potatoes. It can help to create a lighter and crunchier texture by releasing carbon dioxide gas and expanding air pockets within the potatoes. Whether you choose to coat, soak, or mix baking powder with your potatoes, it’s worth experimenting to find the method that works best for you. So go ahead and enjoy some deliciously crispy potatoes!