Do Forks Go On The Left Or Right?

Why Do Forks Go On The Left? [Know This…] WhoSpilled
Why Do Forks Go On The Left? [Know This…] WhoSpilled from


When it comes to table manners, there are numerous rules and etiquettes to follow. One of the common dilemmas faced by many is the placement of forks. Should they be placed on the left or the right side of the plate? In this article, we will delve into this topic and provide you with the answer.

The Traditional Placement

In traditional table setting, forks are placed on the left side of the plate. This dates back to the European dining customs of the 17th century. It is believed that the placement of forks on the left side was a practical decision, as most people are right-handed and would use their dominant hand to hold the fork while cutting food with a knife in their right hand.

Changing Trends

In recent years, there has been a shift in table setting trends, especially in informal or casual dining settings. Many people now prefer placing the fork on the right side of the plate. This change is primarily influenced by the increasing number of left-handed individuals and the desire for a more relaxed and informal dining experience.

Etiquette and Personal Preference

While there are traditional rules regarding the placement of forks, it is essential to remember that table manners can vary depending on the culture and personal preference. Some individuals may choose to place the fork on the right side, while others may continue to follow the traditional placement on the left side. What matters most is practicing good table manners and ensuring a pleasant dining experience for all.

Consider the Occasion

The placement of forks can also be influenced by the occasion or the type of meal being served. For formal events, it is advisable to follow the traditional table setting rules, including the placement of forks on the left side. However, for casual gatherings or buffet-style meals, placing the fork on the right side may be more convenient and practical.

Left-Handed Considerations

For left-handed individuals, the placement of forks on the left side can be awkward and uncomfortable. In such cases, it is perfectly acceptable to place the fork on the right side. It is important to accommodate the needs and comfort of all diners, regardless of their dominant hand.


So, do forks go on the left or right? The answer is that it depends on various factors such as tradition, personal preference, occasion, and the comfort of the diners. While the traditional placement is on the left side, there is no hard and fast rule. Ultimately, what matters most is practicing good table manners and ensuring an enjoyable dining experience for everyone involved.

Remember, it’s not just about where the fork is placed, but how it is used during the meal that truly matters!