Billboard Vote 2022 Super Bowl

Super Bowl 2022 The Super Early Favorites Gazette Review
Super Bowl 2022 The Super Early Favorites Gazette Review from

The Impact of Billboard Vote on Super Bowl 2022

The Super Bowl is one of the most anticipated events of the year, not just for football fans, but also for advertisers. Each year, brands compete to create the most memorable and impactful commercials that will be showcased during the game. However, in 2022, a new element was introduced to the Super Bowl advertising landscape – the Billboard Vote.

The Billboard Vote is a unique initiative that allows viewers to have a say in which commercials are aired during the Super Bowl. Through an online platform, fans can vote for their favorite commercials and influence the final lineup. This new addition has sparked excitement and anticipation among both advertisers and viewers.

How Does the Billboard Vote Work?

The Billboard Vote platform is user-friendly and accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Prior to the Super Bowl, a selection of commercials is made available on the platform for voting. Viewers can watch the commercials and vote for their favorites by simply clicking on a button.

Each vote counts, and the commercials with the highest number of votes will be chosen to air during the Super Bowl. This gives viewers the power to shape the advertising experience and ensures that the commercials showcased during the game resonate with the audience.

Benefits for Advertisers

The Billboard Vote presents several benefits for advertisers. Firstly, it allows brands to directly engage with their target audience. By giving viewers the opportunity to vote for their favorite commercials, brands can gain valuable insights into consumer preferences and tailor their future advertising strategies accordingly.

Secondly, the Billboard Vote generates buzz and excitement around Super Bowl advertising. The platform encourages viewers to actively participate and discuss their favorite commercials, creating a sense of anticipation and community. This heightened engagement can lead to increased brand awareness and exposure.

Enhanced Viewer Experience

The Billboard Vote also enhances the viewer experience during the Super Bowl. By involving viewers in the selection process, it gives them a sense of ownership and involvement in the event. Viewers are more likely to pay attention to the commercials and appreciate the effort put into creating them.

Moreover, the Billboard Vote ensures that the commercials aired during the Super Bowl are relevant and appealing to the audience. Instead of relying solely on the judgment of advertising executives, the final lineup is determined by the collective choice of the viewers. This increases the chances of the commercials resonating with the audience and leaving a lasting impression.

Looking Forward to the 2023 Super Bowl

As we look ahead to the 2023 Super Bowl, anticipation is building around what the Billboard Vote will bring to the table. Advertisers are likely to invest more time and effort into creating commercials that will capture the attention and votes of viewers.

Furthermore, viewers can expect even more engaging and impactful commercials, as brands strive to stand out and win the Billboard Vote. The Super Bowl will become an interactive and immersive experience, with viewers actively participating in shaping the advertising landscape.


The introduction of the Billboard Vote to the Super Bowl advertising landscape has added a new dimension to the event. It allows viewers to have a say in which commercials are aired and engages them in the advertising process. Advertisers benefit from enhanced engagement and valuable consumer insights, while viewers enjoy a more personalized and relevant advertising experience. As we eagerly await the 2023 Super Bowl, the Billboard Vote promises to make it an even more exciting and interactive event for everyone involved.