When Are Bowl Matchups Announced?

Ten Super Bowl matchups that should have been (but weren't)
Ten Super Bowl matchups that should have been (but weren't) from www.nfl.com


As the college football season comes to an end, fans eagerly await the announcement of bowl matchups. These bowl games provide an exciting end to the season and give teams the opportunity to showcase their skills on a national stage. But when exactly are these matchups announced? In this article, we will explore the timeline for bowl matchup announcements and provide some insights into the process.

The Selection Process

The selection process for bowl matchups involves several parties, including conference commissioners, bowl committees, and television networks. These entities work together to create compelling matchups that will attract viewers and maximize revenue. The process typically begins in early December, shortly after the regular season concludes.

Conference Tie-Ins

Many bowl games have tie-ins with specific conferences, meaning that certain teams from these conferences are guaranteed a spot in these games. For example, the Rose Bowl traditionally features the champions of the Big Ten and Pac-12 conferences. These tie-ins help ensure that the most deserving teams from each conference have the opportunity to compete in prestigious bowl games.

The College Football Playoff

Since the introduction of the College Football Playoff (CFP) system in 2014, four teams have been selected to compete for the national championship. The selection committee, consisting of experts from the football community, meets in early December to determine the top four teams in the country. These teams are then assigned to the playoff semifinals, which rotate among six major bowl games.

Timeline for Bowl Matchup Announcements

The timeline for bowl matchup announcements varies slightly from year to year, but generally follows a similar pattern. Here is a breakdown of the typical timeline:

Early December

Conference championship games are played, and the selection committee meets to determine the College Football Playoff teams.


Major bowl games, such as the Rose Bowl and the Sugar Bowl, announce their matchups. These games often feature highly ranked teams from power conferences.

Late December

Smaller bowl games, known as “mid-major” bowls, announce their matchups. These games typically feature teams from non-power conferences, providing them with an opportunity to compete against similar-level opponents.


The remaining bowl games, including those affiliated with conferences and those without specific tie-ins, announce their matchups. These games offer a wide range of matchups and provide teams with exposure on a national level.


The announcement of bowl matchups is an exciting time for college football fans. It marks the culmination of a season’s worth of hard work and provides teams with the opportunity to compete against top opponents. While the exact timeline for these announcements may vary, fans can expect to know the matchups by late December, just in time to plan their viewing parties and cheer on their favorite teams.