Baking Soda In Above Ground Pool: A Natural Solution For Crystal Clear Water

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Soda Ash or Baking Soda Which One Is Better for a Pool? Easy Clear Pool from


If you own an above ground pool, you know how important it is to maintain clean and clear water. One natural solution that has gained popularity in recent years is using baking soda. This readily available household ingredient can help balance the pH levels in your pool and keep the water sparkling clean. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using baking soda in an above ground pool and provide you with some tips on how to use it effectively.

The Benefits of Baking Soda

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a versatile compound that can be found in most kitchens. When used in an above ground pool, it offers several benefits:

1. pH Balancing

One of the main benefits of using baking soda in your pool is its ability to balance the pH levels. The ideal pH range for a pool is between 7.2 and 7.8. Baking soda acts as a buffer, preventing drastic changes in pH and keeping the water balanced.

2. Alkalinity Boost

Baking soda also helps increase the total alkalinity of the pool water. Alkalinity acts as a stabilizer for the pH levels, preventing rapid fluctuations. By adding baking soda, you can ensure that your pool water remains stable and safe for swimming.

3. Cost-Effective

Compared to commercial pool chemicals, baking soda is a cost-effective solution. It is readily available in most households, making it a convenient and affordable option for pool owners.

Using Baking Soda in Your Above Ground Pool

Now that you know the benefits, let’s explore how to use baking soda effectively in your above ground pool:

1. Test the Water

Before adding baking soda, it is essential to test the water’s pH and alkalinity levels. You can use a pool testing kit or take a water sample to your local pool supply store for analysis. This step will help you determine the exact amount of baking soda needed.

2. Calculate the Amount

Based on the test results, calculate the amount of baking soda required to achieve the desired pH and alkalinity levels. As a general guideline, you will need about 1.5 pounds of baking soda per 10,000 gallons of water to increase the alkalinity by 10ppm.

3. Add Baking Soda

Spread the calculated amount of baking soda evenly around the pool. It is best to add baking soda in small increments and allow it to dissolve completely before retesting the water. This will prevent overcorrection and ensure gradual pH adjustment.

4. Monitor and Adjust

Regularly test the water’s pH and alkalinity levels to monitor the effectiveness of the baking soda treatment. If needed, make small adjustments by adding more baking soda. Remember to retest the water after each addition to avoid overcorrection.

5. Maintain Regular Pool Maintenance

While baking soda can help maintain pH and alkalinity levels, it is still important to follow a regular pool maintenance routine. This includes cleaning the pool, removing debris, and ensuring proper filtration and circulation.


Using baking soda in an above ground pool is a natural and cost-effective way to maintain clean and balanced water. By balancing the pH and alkalinity levels, baking soda helps prevent issues such as cloudy water, skin irritation, and equipment damage. Remember to test the water regularly and make small adjustments as needed. With baking soda, you can enjoy crystal clear water all season long.