Baking Soda In Toothpaste Side Effects

Baking Soda Toothpaste, Packaging Size 220 G, Rs 260 /piece Mahjabeen
Baking Soda Toothpaste, Packaging Size 220 G, Rs 260 /piece Mahjabeen from

Baking Soda in Toothpaste Side Effects


Using baking soda in toothpaste has become a popular trend in oral care routines. Many people believe that baking soda can provide effective whitening and cleaning benefits for their teeth. However, it is important to be aware of the potential side effects that may arise from using toothpaste containing baking soda.

1. Tooth Sensitivity

One common side effect of using toothpaste with baking soda is increased tooth sensitivity. Baking soda is abrasive in nature and can wear away the enamel on your teeth, exposing the sensitive dentin underneath. This can lead to discomfort or pain when consuming hot or cold foods and beverages.

2. Gum Irritation

Baking soda can also cause gum irritation. Its abrasive properties can irritate the delicate gum tissues, leading to redness, swelling, and even bleeding. If you notice any signs of gum irritation, it is advisable to discontinue the use of baking soda toothpaste and consult your dentist.

3. Enamel Erosion

Enamel erosion is another potential side effect of using toothpaste with baking soda. The abrasive nature of baking soda can gradually wear down the enamel, which acts as a protective layer for your teeth. When the enamel is eroded, it increases the risk of tooth decay and cavities.

4. Altered Taste Sensation

Some individuals may experience an altered taste sensation when using toothpaste with baking soda. This can occur due to the alkaline properties of baking soda, which can temporarily affect your taste buds. The change in taste perception is usually temporary and subsides once you stop using the toothpaste.

5. Allergic Reactions

Although rare, some individuals may be allergic to baking soda. Allergic reactions can manifest as itching, rash, or swelling of the lips, tongue, or throat. If you experience any of these symptoms after using baking soda toothpaste, seek immediate medical attention.

6. Abrasive Nature

Baking soda is known for its abrasive properties, which can be beneficial for removing surface stains from your teeth. However, excessive or aggressive use of baking soda toothpaste can lead to enamel damage, tooth sensitivity, and gum irritation. It is important to use toothpaste with baking soda in moderation.


Baking soda in toothpaste can provide whitening and cleaning benefits for your teeth, but it is essential to be aware of the potential side effects. Tooth sensitivity, gum irritation, enamel erosion, altered taste sensation, and allergic reactions are some of the possible side effects. It is important to use baking soda toothpaste in moderation and consult your dentist if you experience any adverse effects.